
7 Important Thing Causes of Quail Not Laying Eggs

Have you ever wondered why quail do not lay their eggs? You may hear that many people already struggle with this matter. Based on the bird’s expert, there are so many reasons causes of quail not laying their eggs. Quail emotionally attach to everything around them. That makes them sometimes influenced by their surround. Not […]


8 Easy Ways to Overcome Stressed Arowana Fish

Have you ever heard about the Arowana fish? Arowana fish is popular having some issues in the tank as the pet. They can easily be getting stressed even from a slight disturbance which is different from the tips on choosing a good chef’s goldfish. Every fish tank has its specific ways to overcome stress. Even […]


8 Differences between Ornamental Betta Fish and Complaints

Have you ever heard about betta fish? Most people know them with two classified betta fish, the ornamental betta fish, and complaints. All of them have a beautiful color that mind-blowing to watch. Even showing the same beauty of color, there are some differences between ornamental betta fish and complaints. Ordinary people might not realize […]


8 Useful Tips on Choosing a Good Chef’s Goldfish

Have you ever heard about the chef’s goldfish? Choosing a good chef’s goldfish commonly needs a serious effort. To get the best one, every detail of the chef’s goldfish becomes an important aspect that is different from some animals found in the Neotropical region. Choosing a good chef’s goldfish can start from the most influential […]


8 Nutritious Types of Good Insect Feed for Birds

Have you ever heard about insect feed for birds? Are there any suitable types of insects? Commonly, birds eating insect types will grow healthier if they’ve got fed by good insects. Types of good insects to feed for birds will help birds to get a more nutritious diet. It will help the birds to grow […]


8 Common Causes of Quail Feather Loss

Have you ever wondered what causes quail feather loss? If you are a quail lover, keeping them as a pet might concern you about their feather loss. It is similar to common diseases in stone magpies. Some causes of quail feather loss commonly make them look thin. Their smooth feather can be the ones that […]


8 Causes of Hoarse Magpies that Commonly Happen

Have you ever wondered what causes hoarse magpies? Hoarse magpies show a signal that they are not feeling well similar to common diseases in stone magpies. Magpies are famous for their good vocal that is similar to types of small birds that have good voices. Once they sound a bit hoarse, it is better to […]


8 Amazing Smallest Bear Species in the World

Have you ever wondered what kind of smallest bear species in the world? Bear is popular with bigger species of common animals. Even so, there are also the smallest ones among the others. Smallest bear species in the world, commonly living in tropical land. They love to live in the warmer habitat which is different […]


8 Beautiful Birds that Can Be Mixed in 1 Cage

Have you ever heard about birds that can be mixed in 1 cage? Commonly two different types of birds are difficult to be mixed in one cage. But, some species are just fine even if they are different such as types of fruit-eating birds. Most bird lovers commonly know that two same species of birds […]


Be Careful of The 8 Most Ferocious Type of Bear

Have you ever wondered if there are any of the most ferocious types of bears? Bear is famous as the biggest animal on earth. Their body size can make humans frightened by their appearance which is different from types of fish eating birds. Due to human expansion, it is not surprising that most humans perceived […]